Small businesses often want to pursue government contracts once the company is struggling. Respectfully, you should pursue Small Business Certification before you actually need it. For example, a small Janitorial company can bid on a project without being certified, but likely won’t be competitive. Why? Because the government may offer price preferences or set-asides for certified firms that make them more competitive. So let’s get prepared.
Over the next few months, we will cover the basic certifications you should have in place if you are serious about winning government work. What’s key to note? Every certification we cover requires your company be small. Each also requires the company be majority owned and controlled by the qualifying individual. First up will be Small Business Certification.
State of CA Small Business & Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Certification
The State of California offers certification for Small, Disabled Veteran Owned, and Small Business for the purpose of Public Works. In fact, the State of CA has a “Small Business First” policy that many state agencies mandate. Further, Disabled Veteran Businesses (DVBEs) are underrepresented in the State’s database of certified firms, so it also carries its own set of unique benefits.
Here are some easy steps to point you in the right direction. Note: You may need to scroll on the webpage to find specific instructions.
Four Easy Steps to Getting Small Business Certified!
Step 1: Confirm that your firm qualifies (under Certification Types) here
Step 2: Review the application so that you can be prepared for the online application here
Step 3: Review SB Support Documents required (under Program Guide) here
Step 4: Register and Get Certified (under Applicants section) here
Tip! The State of CA offers a complete video tutorial here
I sincerely hope these steps help you move forward in getting certified and more importantly, winning awards! Stay connected with us as we share more certification tips over the coming months.